Office Philosophy

The way I practice the art and science of delivering high quality dentistry at Springhurst Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has been an evolution spanning 26 years. I have to admit, when I first graduated from the University of Louisville dental school in 1985 my view and scope of dentistry was limited to all the techniques I could use to fix a tooth. I was excited and ready to take off running. But it didn’t take long to understand that there is a person attached to each and every one of those teeth. These people had desires, needs, and goals that were all different. I couldn’t always apply what I felt they needed and this was very frustrating.

So a funny thing happened on my way to becoming the dentist I am today. I had to learn something they didn’t teach in the ivory tower of dental school. My view of what a person needed didn’t always align with what that person really wanted.  What I realized was that I needed to sit down and take some time to listen and get to know my patients before I recommended treatment. What I realized was that most people want to develop a relationship with their dentist so they can have confidence in what he or she suggests.

It is my commitment, along with my entire staff, to spend some time with all our patients so they may have the opportunity to tell us their immediate and long-term goals for their teeth and their overall health. We will spend the time to gather all the information we can so that each patient’s treatment plan is the one he or she wants.

Perhaps it is a longer process, but I am no longer frustrated by a disconnect between my thoughts and those of my patients, and I feel that they are more comfortable because of this. We are here for the patients.  We are here for you and we want to satisfy your needs thoroughly and beyond your expectations.

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